Meet the Opera: The All-in-One Cutting-Milling-Engraving Solution
New from Sunstone is the Opera, an all-in-one cutting-milling-engraving marvel that will save designers time and money.
The Opera revolutionizes jewelry craftsmanship by combining laser engraving, cutting, and CNC milling into a single, versatile machine. The unique integration streamlines workflows, enabling jewelers to perform cutting, engraving, marking, burnishing, and diamond-cut effects with exceptional precision and efficiency.
With the Opera, designers will save time and money by using only one machine to accomplish tasks usually accomplished using two different machines. With its CNC-laser engraver combination, the Opera optimizes time, allowing designers to complete workpieces faster.
A compact design requires less space on a workbench and, as I already mentioned, reduces capital investment needs. Rather than having to purchase an engraver/cutter and a CNC milling machine, you're only purchasing one machine, the Opera.
For small and medium-sized shops, whether you're a jewelry designer or manufacturer, the Opera will save you time and money—that's where it really shines. I would think R&D labs would also find the Opera to be a great all-in-one solution for one-off's or prototypical work. For larger manufacturers, the Opera most likely will not offer the production efficiencies that can be reached with max-capacity laser engravers and cutters, like those found in the Taumac line. And that's okay; that's not who the Opera was made for.
Development of the Opera extended the idea of combining two essential machines into the Opera’s physical layout and controlling software. Design engineers integrated into the Opera design specific space for every tool required to operate the machine, which contributes to a higher level of organization and efficiency. The placement of tools seems trivial until you actually start using the Opera. Then, I guarantee you'll grin, smile, or laugh with joy when you realize how the Opera designers thought of everything.
For a beginner like me, the Opera's comprehensive design library provided a quick start. In short order I was able to create a fancy nameplate that required engraving, milling accents, and cutting. The Opera's 10x10 cm working area was just large enough for the nameplate I had in mind, but you can extend the work area another 5 cm on the x and y axis thanks to a rotating table and moving scan head.
The Opera significantly broadens your creative capabilities. Chances are you have an idea or design in mind that with your current tools is beyond your reach, either because you don't have resources to invest in a laser engraver, in a cutter, and in a CNC milling machine. The Opera resolves that obstacle, significantly reducing the investment necessary to purchase all three capabilities in two to three different machines.
Imagine waking up with an idea in your head and knowing you have the tools to turn the idea into reality. That's the Opera objective, to help you broaden your capabilities, which in turn opens new business doors. You'll be able to create new products with margins that will spur growth.
The Opera is controlled by custom-developed software with a user interface that I quickly learned to navigate. The Opera Easy Creator, as the application is aptly called, provides complete control over laser engraving, cutting, and milling.
The Opera includes a rotary vise that makes engraving on rings or other rounded surfaces simple to accomplish. Manufactured in Italy, the Opera is surprisingly affordable with an MSRP starting at USD $19,000 and backed by a 2-year manufacturer’s warranty.
The Opera is manufactured in Italy and when I visited the facility in late 2024 I was impressed by the Opera's capabilities and the processes employed in its manufacture. The Opera is backed by decades of laser engraving and cutting experience. One more important thing to keep in mind: The Opera is sold, serviced, and supported by Sunstone's US-based team. You'll enjoy the Opera's capabilities while relying upon Sunstone's vaunted sales and service teams.
Text or call and speak with any of our experienced consultants to learn more about the Opera: +1 801-658-0015.